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  • Writer's pictureAsh Nisbet


"The Honourable" Glenn "Nels" Nelson! Where to start with this bloke?! An absolute legend, all round champion and someone who exemplifies what the Coal Coast Spirit is all about! Nels started training with us back where it all began, in the shed at home, and you'd be hard pressed to find many days he's missed between training sessions since starting! Whether it be the steam rising from his noggin on a cold early morning or the sweat beading from his brow on a sunny Tuesday Arvo Boxing Session that shows it, this machine doesn't shirk the hard stuff and takes on anything thrown his way, even if it is a pre-sunrise ocean swim in his dickies! You've led the charge with your training at home Nels and not even a dodgy internet connection can slow you down! We couldn't prouder of your efforts not only during the COVID Saga but in every thing you've taken on with us! You're a changed man mate and those 13kg's you've dropped along the way are gone for good! We had a chat with the man we all know and love to gain a little insight into how he's been going! How did you get started with us at CCF and what’s the journey been like? Started at CCF about 18months 2 years ago down in the shed at the Nisbets, Narelle and Emma took me there after their great experiences with group training. CCF is one of the best decisions I’ve made, and one I had to make quickly as you’re not getting any younger or slimmer.  

What would the documentary of your life be called?

Falling Short!!

How are you finding isolation life with training and working from home?

Having dropped a few days a week of work has made the whole Covid experience a little more tolerable. Making sure at least 5 sessions per week completed and 2 rest days. I think you have to do more sessions than normal because you haven’t got the complete range of equipment like at the CCF gym. Also, being able to isolate by throwing the board or fishing rod in the back of the ute and disappearing for a few hours is good for mental health. Thanks for your company fishing Ash and Corey.

What’s your favourite memory or thing about CCF?

I still believe the whole CCF family is an experience rather memory in its current form. The comradeship and encouragement and banter is worth dragging your arse out of bed in the morning to do the 6.00am to be ringing wet by 6.45am. The new friends met, and old salts returning has been a breath of fresh air along with the opportunity to train alongside your wife and daughter will be the biggest memory all.

You're a champion Nels and we are so lucky to have you apart of our CCF Family!

You've been through it all with us legend and we can't wait to sweat it up with you in the flesh!

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