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  • Writer's pictureAsh Nisbet

Are You Feeling Flat?

February is coming to a close fast and with that, the end of summer!

The kid's have been back to school for almost a month now, most of us are well and truly back to work and our normal routine is pretty well back on track. Or is it...

Are you still feeling foggy, flat or tired? Waking up tired, feeling flat during the day and coming home tired? Struggling for motivation not just for exercise, but to just get up off the lounge and do anything? Are you in a funk?! These 3 tips are a sure fire way to clear the fog and bounce you back out of that flat feeling!

1. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep...

Easy right? If we could all just click our fingers and have a perfect night sleep all of life's problems would be sorted right?

It's not that simple, but improving your quality of sleep (not just sleeping longer or sleeping in) can go a long way to boosting your energy levels during the day and help you get a head start!

Here's a couple of easy fixes to help you get a better night sleep:

  • Avoid screen time an hour before bed

  • Keep your room dark and cold to promote better sleeping

  • Try to keep a tidy room. A cluttered room = a cluttered mind = poor sleep

  • De-stress as a part of your bedtime ritual

  • Try meditation or relaxation techniques before bed

  • Change your sheets often

  • Ensure daily healthy exposure to natural light (sunlight), especially in the morning

2. Shock The System!

Sometimes a shock to the system is what is needed to spring us back into action.

Jump in the ocean, go for a run or show some generosity to a stranger!

Doing things that we wouldn't normally do is a great way to get ourselves out of our comfort zones. This helps us to grow and learn, and helps us to progress through life. If you remain stagnant nothing changes and all humans need progression to find fulfilment. That's why we all get so much joy when we hit a new PB or learn a new movement in the gym or hit one of our life goals.

It's human nature to want to improve ourselves, but it doesn't just come to you, you have to go out and get after it.

3. Move Well & Move Smart!

The list of benefits surrounding human movement is endless! Finding a form of movement that you enjoy is a great way to boost your mood! Here's just a few of the benefits of moving your body:

  • Improved sleep (Here's a little 2 for 1 for you)

  • Reduces anxiety and depression

  • De-stress and mood boosting effect

  • Causes the release of our feel good endorphins.

Moving smart is just as important as moving often. Knowing your limits and listening to your body when it needs rest is vital to maintaining health and performance. Be smart and don't just overload your body, sometimes more stress isn't what is needed!

You've got the tools now it's time to put them to use and flick that flat feeling a find your rhythm again!

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